
When I’m in bed at night and the light is dim, it is then that I hear the sound of my soul.  I look for the shape of the light by which he reveals himself.  I no longer fear him but am accustomed to his presence.  His facial features, which a man can use to hide behind, are not yet revealed.  I hear him and my soul sings a song which I will try to convey to you on these pages.

He and others have helped me to write this, they stay with me whilst I sleep and dream at night.  They write the songs and I live them.  The dreams exist as though woven into my hair but I cannot shed them. His spirit and his interest in me have redeemed me.  There is no physical body, just an energy that has been with me and within my mind since the day that I was born.  So what is my purpose in writing this?  It is so that you can also know this truth, whether you chose to live it or not.  

If you like I shall reveal who he is but I suggest that you firstly go to bed, wrap yourself up warmly and give yourself over to the realm of dreams.   This is because his soul is looking for you and yours for him.  If you are lucky you may already know your partner.  If not then I will help you to find him.  Close your eyes and imagine his eyes, his mouth, his face.  You will see it because he is like you, he loves what you do and lives the life that you want to live.  All the little details are important because you are so alike.  The souls show the same traits and you’ll know him when you see him even if his outside appearance is not what you perceive as beautiful.  After all you were always together and you were not always beautiful in life.  There were places where your lives were spent in love, places where you hurt him and he hurt you.  The soul will not allow rest but continue to draw it’s other half to it. 

How do we see love in today’s world?  Women rush off to the hairdressers and boutiques and spend money in the hope of attracting it.  The man thinks of his wallet as he wonders how much love will cost him.  Many men fail to bare their emotions, to respect and to appreciate women.  There are some who lose their hearts and then close them tight in order to prevent further pain.  He may have been in love but now does not want to re-live it.  On the other hand the man can be as involved in a relationship as a woman.  His feelings can be as strong.  

Whilst we set off on our search the rudder of our soul calibrates our compass and we set sail for a whole new destination.   The mind remembers everything and, if it works together with the woman’s heart, then you will set sail on a journey of new discoveries whilst throwing old grievances into the sea.  The load will be substantial because the soul is carried not just in this life, but instead forms the total cargo of the ship.  If the load is too heavy then you will not be able to set sail for remote places but will be content with the less adventurous route.  So I didn’t explore the wonders of different places.  I did not have to command the crew to drop the load and set off for adventure.  I was happy to choose a nearby destination.  Some women will want to explore the islands of treasure just for the satisfaction of conquering the coast.  If you don’t know who he is then you can set off on your adventure.  Likewise you can choose to hit the rocks and your dreams will bring your together.

Love will fuels a strong passion and can blurs emotions, therefore should not be untaken in a manner that causes pain.  If he burns with fire like Romeo or you grow as much in love as Juliet it can be due to only one source – love.

Love can fill you with joy or pain.  Sometimes it happens that people back away from the warm embrace of a love that would do anything for you.  Despite the strength of the flame they won’t let people close to them.  The body yearns for love but the mind is closed.  

Love is like quick sand which you cannot get out of even when sunk knee deep in a sea of emotions.  Why would you want to when the other half of your soul is beside you in the same situation?  It loses its danger and become nothing more than a pool of water.  Even if you think it’s too late it is not up to you to decide.  The soul and it’s other half were sent to earth to become one - to experience the joys of earthly life as was promised from the heavens, to experience the simple joy of existence without anguish or suffering.

The twin flame quality characteristic is that once you understand it and it makes sense, it will nourish your soul with the images of your other half in your mind, and how you will meet them again.

The "Symptoms" are the following:

  • You can’t get it out of your head.
  • You feel a tightening in your heart and a feeling you cannot explain, because it’s a well-known love but deeper.  It’s a layer which comes from the deepest corner of your heart which one has yet to touch.  So the feeling is also unknown, you cannot compare it to anything else.
  • You feel so much alike that you almost think he or she is living your life, or at least the life that you want since the more developed soul always pulls the less developed.  Their life becomes the benchmark. 
  • From the moment you came into contact with him all other loves disappear from your life, or you grow at least indifferent.   Even if you wish to re-initiate contact do not because your soul will not allow you to reverse its progression.
  • In your relationship there will always be complicating circumstances surrounding you.  The soul is purified and achieves enlightenment through suffering and the developmental state in which you unite.
  • Once all this is done divergence is possible but only for a short time. The stronger union is not always made up of long-term coexistence. You have to be together it may not always be long term.  If the woman’s fire is too strong puts all the emphasis on the man and by doing so suppresses the creative power which is itself the divine energy.  If the man is adequate to balance the woman then the two souls can co-exist forever and they will form one of the world’s happiest couples.

If you feel that you have found your other half then be happy.  If, at this moment, he is at a distance don’t worry because your soul will attract him.  Begin finding a way to release yourselves to live your lives together.   Develop a way to listen to the sounds of your own soul or find someone who can help you interpret the signals.

There are several ways to connect with your soul.  People are different in the way that they access their internal knowledge, not only this but they experience things in a variety of different ways.  Chose someone who is close to you, someone you can trust and with whom you can learn.    Once you have it in your hands, the key to the soul will insert into the lock.  If the lock sticks do not give up.  You have the key and all your memories will surface as soon as the padlock is unlocked and this will give way to inner peace.

Wrote: Maria Filotas

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