The Power of Prayer

The goal of our earthly life is not just to look after our physical body, but to lay down the burden of our soul too. And a wholehearted prayer is one way to get rid of these burdens in order to facilitate an opening for healing. 

The prayer is not a poem or a monologue we learned as children, or plough through as adults when nothing seems to help. God lives in everything, even in you. God feels your pain, and love is the only thing that can help you heal. And so, if you say something that comes from the heart, God listens and comes to your rescue. God communicates through emotions; the words are only necessary for the human mind, and if they are strong and honest, so the answers will be. The prayer is like a purifying treatment. You can start now and make up for lost time, because it’s time to cleanse the soul, and as I have written before: we aim for the same goal, but the road to the destination can be multi-laned. 

Listen to the inner voice or feeling that may circle in your heart in this moment. What do you feel? Is something ripping it apart, or is it beating faster? If so, waste no more time and express how you feel. Say if you don’t believe, or if it hurts, and ask for an angel to help you see your path and release your soul from its chains.  The power of prayer is in the spoken word.If you feel something eating away at you inside, something wanting to come out, lift up your head, open your heart and say out loud. The tears will clean your wounds and the elixir will be sent to you. 

Trust and never give up!

Wrote: Maria Filotas

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