The flames of passion

Love is a crazy emotion that every soul longs for deeply, even if one denies it. Love is the only emotion, that is capable of wrenching the heart with such intensity that it shakes the body and the mind puts down its weapons. As soon as the soul commits to owning the emotion of love, the mind no longer affects the heart, and the flames of passion burst open.

Love is what will initiate enlightenment. Love is the only force, that can inflict an even deeper wound than any weapon, as it not only wounds the body, but also the soul. 

Anyone who has experienced love, moreover felt their heart go up in flames, knows exactly what I’m talking about. Whoever has not, soon will. The purified soul recalls everything from its pervious lives, and thesouls find their other halves. Therefore, for anyone who is unhappy because their heart is closed under wounds, love will be their solution.

My words may hurt and tear your heart as I’m writing about passion, regardless that I got hurt by love. I can’t stir up your heart without words, and it will remain closed, even though virtually everyone is capable of passion. Age doesn’t matter, only the heart. 

It may be too poetic, but if I could have been a writer in my previous life, why not a poet? Who could you have been? A spokesperson, a chatty tailor or a fumbling cook? Discover the secrets of your soul and share them with the world. 

The passion of love reignites your fire to enlist you under the name of love, thereby elevating your resonance and starting you on your path to God. God is not a concept or a box of candy one receives as a reward. God is a living soul that never took form. But if God did take form, God would be a woman; a woman who carries a lot of emotion, to whom the privilege of creation was given. 

Take time to listen to the prayer coming from your heart, and ask your heart to open its wings, because the path to God’s world is through love!

Wrote: Maria Filotas

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