Standing on the ground of Reality

Standing on the ground of Reality God took me by the hand and showed me what I believed had nothing to do with the Reality.

He showed me the veil which had covered my eyes since I was born into this body and then it was lifted for a moment.

What I saw there was enough to be on God’s path and I asked him to show me even more. The years passed by and the Lord showed me more and more.

Somethings I liked and sometimes I was shocked but I never asked to turn back. I wanted to discover more so I asked him to speed up and we changed into a higher gear. I held the wheel and accelerated and could see him, my man before my eyes. I hope I can find him at the end of the road and also I can find out why did I have to come here again into this wicked and awful earthly existence. 

I haven’t found him yet, but my car is rumbling along towards the end of the road, however it is obscured but I will know exactly when I reach it. This is what I came for, to find him, my man and together we will plough the way before us to show the direction others should follow to find the right path.

Wrote: Maria Filotas

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