Astral Projection

Our spirit is closely connected to our bodies, but due to certain events we can leave our physical body and enter another dimension for a short period of time. In most cases this occurs in near death experiences, just before falling into a deep sleep, during surgeries, or in the event of an illness. Some people are even capable of wilfully leaving their bodies and travelling to astral galaxies and unknown places, or visiting a chosen person’s home. 

Is it reality or fiction? It doesn’t matter. Anything that can move so many people’s consciousnessin the same direction cannot be make-believe and merely born from imagination. According to some scientists, the near death experience is only the result of the brain’s chemical reactions, but signals have been found from ancient times suggesting experiments in which people consciously left their bodies and came back with different experiences, experiences they could not have had living in their bodies. For instance, travelling through space without the limitations of time, or describing people who were hundreds of kilometres away.

Everyone can think what they want. We are all entitled to our own opinion, but as my celestial guides tell me: if something at first seems unbelievable, it doesn’t mean I can’t ponder over it at least one more time. Do the same! Mull over the topic after some time. Will you read these words the same way, or will they have found a new meaning?

Wrote: Maria Filotas

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